Rel="author" must only appear on post page

Maile Ohye and MaAnna Stephenson wrote post about this clearly. We must not display rel="author" in homepage or pages or you'll penalize by Google as rich snippet spam. Rel="publisher" is allowed on entire page on your site, sorry not for the author tag. If this was true, it mean if most of blog author do wrong including myself. Take look at Google Webmaster Central. Someone ask about What kind of pages can be used with authorship?, i also think that is our problem. Maile replied
You can increase the likelihood that we show authorship for your site by only using authorship markup on pages that meet these criteria:
  • The URL/page contains a single article (or subsequent versions of the article) or single piece of content, by the same author. This means that the page isn’t a list of articles or an updating feed. If the author frequently switches on the page, then the annotation is no longer helpful to searchers and is less likely to be featured.
  • The URL/page consists primarily of content written by the author.
  • Showing a clear byline on the page, stating the author wrote the article and using the same name as used on their Google+ profile.
Well, that is clear enough if rel author should only appear on post page. Unfortunately maile didn't tell the cons if we use rel="author" in every page, otherwise MaAnna Stephenson did. Taken from
Unfortunately, a lot of folks simply applied some of the authorship special tags to everything on their site, including posts and pages. And now Google has a real indexing mess on its hands. It can’t tell posts from pages with just this much markup and doesn’t know how to properly credit authorship.
Google started telling site owners to fix this. But not enough people listened. Now Google has a new ally and is doing something about it.
Avoid Google rich snippet spam from now or someone read this will regret it. And please avoid this for better world.

Other bad news, Matt Cutts as Head of Google Webspam team also didn't apply this rule to his website or blog. What should i do?


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