Common SEO tips on

Welcome back, today i want to help you reach a good SEO score on Complete guide oh yea. Help you pass everything :v. Can we start now?

1. h1 & h2 tag test

This is easy to fix. You just need include 1 Heading and subheading into your webpage. Every SEO tools need you to do this. At least you must have h1.

2. Robot.txt

Seositecheckup just check your robot.txt existence. No matter you allow/disallow SE to index your page.

How to fix:Create a file name called "robot.txt" without quotes and must be lowercased. Place "robot.txt" to same directory with index.html. So it should be>

What's inside?
Many robot.txt generator in the internet. You just need one or you can use mine :). I allow all SE to index my page but disallow to index the search page
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Sitemap: {YourSiteMapUrl}
You're freely to copy and share my robot.txt

3. Sitemap Test

This is also check your sitemap existence and make sure you submitted your sitemap to Google Blogger blog should have one and already created by Blogger. So you as Blogger blog user should not afraid with this test

4. Favicon Test and validator

No, they lied about validator. This just make sure you have a favicon
How to fix:Open photoshop or any image editor. Create one and save as "favicon.ico". Remember must be .ico format. Upload to same directory with index.html or robot.txt like i said before
Edit your template, include
<link href='http://{Yoursite}/favicon.ico' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon'/>
Save. Your favicon should changed if not open and press CTRL + F5 to force refresh.

5. Page Object

Detect how many http request you made images,css,js, script or somewhat. My tips is combine 2 or more script to single script, dont use external CSS if your css is short, encode to base64 your images to display it (Help you to reduce http request and prevent broken link). Delete unused script or css

6. Code to text ratio

Not available right now :v, i'm not sure what i want to talk in this topic

7. URL SEO friendly test

Just check all urls from your website.

8. Broken links test

This is important, and must be fixed soon. If seositecheckup detect one or more brokenlink(s) please replace with other one. If not you will make your visitor disappointed.

9. Google Analytics Test

I'm not sure if this affect your SEO score. But they will tell you to fix it. Visit here, register, and copy-paste the code to your head document. This also help you to investigate your visitors #Blammm

10. Underscores in Links Test

This is important, make sure there is no underscore in a link. Dashes is better than underscores. If a link to external website is get error, shorten it using bitly or up to you. It should be fixed now

11. Google & Alexa pagerank

This is other test you can't do anything to change it. But keep writting a posts, increase traffics, keep attract your visitors. This will be fixed soon if you do

12. Image alt test

Check all images from your webpage for alt attributes.
 If an image cannot be displayed (wrong src, slow connection, etc), the alt attribute provides alternative information. Using keywords and human-readable captions in the alt attributes is a good SEO practice because search engines cannot realy see the images. For images with a decorative role (bullets, round corners, etc) you are advised to use an empty alt or a CSS background image.

You know? I just copy these text from Yeah but it's true use CSS background-image instead.

Ar u lazy?
I have js script that help you add title and alt tag automagically

 $("img").each(function(){var img=$(this);var src=img.attr("src");img.attr("title",src.substring((src.lastIndexOf("/"))+1,src.lastIndexOf(".")));img.attr("alt",src.substring((src.lastIndexOf("/"))+1,src.lastIndexOf(".")))});
jQuery needed.

13. Inline CSS test

This also make you website heavyweight. Make sure no inline css in you website. All CSS code must inside style tag and style must inside head :v or external.

14. Media Print test

You website must be Media Print friendly, they said. @media print is needed to fix this issue, drop a code like this
@media print { 
/* your print styles go here */
#header, #footer, #menu { display: none; }

body { font: 12pt georgia,serif; }
h1 { font-size: 18pt; }
h2 { font-size: 16pt; color: #000; }
Only that

15. Google Preview

Useless, just like Google's rich snippet

16. Deprecated HTML Tags

No old html tag, please don't. Or no browser will render your website correctly. Take look the full list of html tags here


SEO is important, but it's also hard to achieve a good score. You just need to learn and learn.
Hope you like it


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