Google lied about your ranking position

This make me very disappointed. If you get very good Ranking positing in Google don't to happy, that's a trap :v. Yes i guess you get good ranking position when you Log-in to Google account. How about not logged in user. Don't hope Google give you good position for your new blog. I don't know if Login to Google will help you to raise ranking position. The reason i think this happened is Logged user is more familiar with Google. That's it.

I tried to search "David Hosanna", my blog is showing up and the bonus my contact card also displayed in the right sidebar. Not Logged in user cannot see this. Google seems gathered more info about what you need their search engine, maybe looking for someone else? Location? Event?

What should i do?

Just keep optimizing your blog SEO to make this happen for not logged user. I just wanna tell you about this not explaining why


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